
Showing posts from 2012

What Is The Best Approach To Getting Into PR?

What Is The Best Approach To Getting Into PR? By Tiffany Lan (In-house PR for Reppify, PRTiffany) It brings me a great deal of excitement when I hear more and more people are pursuing a career in PR. I’m often asked the question, “What’s the best approach to getting into PR?” PR isn’t something one can learn in a day or even explained fully in a blog post. On another note, I believe that a PR agent is the mixture of a former writer, aspiring actor, and wedding planner, but let’s save that thought for another entry. So, in hopes of explaining What is PR? and the best approach to getting into the field, I’ve compiled a few points: 1. Who, What, When, Where, Why "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." George Bernard Shaw The Beatles said it best in their timeless song, Hey Jude . “If you want [a career in PR], go out and get [it]”! But first, ask yourself these following questions: WHO do you want to represent? Is it T

Urgent: PR Needs PR!!!

PR Needs Their Own Public Relations Efforts Hey, Agents! PR needs PR, too! We need agents to spread the good word of “What is PR” for the business folks who know that PR’s important to run a successful company but aren’t too sure of what it entails.  We also need to educate the PR agents who use all the evil tricks in the book to gain publicity for their company and make them look bad in the process. PR should be used for good – businesses have enough naysayers in the public to bring on the controversy. Let’s not turn our clients into fame-whores, okay? Keep it classy, yes? PR NEEDS PR ! Here are a few quotes from a few thought leaders in the space who’re spreading the good word... Quotes from Key Thought leader’s in PR “ PR was the first social.” Gerard Corbett, PRSA, 27 August 2012 “ Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: everything else is Public Relations.” Glenn Greenwald, Guardian, 14 September 2012 “PR isn’t just for

Headshots: Essential for an agent's Social Media profiles

Suggestion to my PR readers: Get headshots for your social media profiles.  When you're in an outward-facing profession like Public Relations, make sure you have updated photos on your social media profiles that are natural and friendly. Your PR work must showcase creativity, efficiency, approachability, and excitement - which goes for your head shots as well. Here are a few head shots that I deem worthy for the PR agent.  Special Thanks to for my headshots!  Email: About Gary Sexton 

What To Wear: A guide to fashion for the PR agent [Part I]

Your outer appearance as a PR agent's very important – not to say what you wear defines who you are, but it’s definitely as important as the design of your business card. 1.Black with the attack Black’s the signature color of business attire. When you’re out at a networking event, a sleek black dress or pant-suit can’t go wrong. Don’t be afraid to accessorize with a chunky gold chain and diamond studded earrings. 2. Think like a DJ Scenario: A writer invites you to a day at the beach: Should you go for that all black dress or two-piece bathing suit? Hell to the no. Think like a Disc Jockey: they may prefer to spin house music, but when they get a gig at a hip hop venue, Avicii and Armind Van Buuren are retired for the night and Mosdef, Big L, and Mob Deep are on cue. Dress the part. Wear a plaid top with jeans and Teva Terra Sandals. If a client invites you to a limo ride to Napa Valley, try this. As a public relations agent, your daily outfit, better yet your da

Startup PR agents wear many different UmbrellaHats!

So·cial PR   [ so -sh-shuhl pee-ahr ]   noun,  start ·up PR . 1. pertaining   to,   devoted   to,   or   characterized   by   the public relations initiatives for startups.  When you think about the definition of PR, you naturally think, "PR's the relationship with the public." Duh, but it's not that simple.  PR for startups has a totally different definition. Hence, Social PR . A startup PR agent must be involved in EVERYTHING that the public comes across. Obviously, if you want to be a PR agent, for a startup especially, you must be sociable.  Working for a startup means you must wear many different "hats". PR for startups means you are doing everything under the umbrella of PR: Event planning, social media management, media relations, in-bound marketing, brand awareness, and the list goes on.  We wear "UmbrellaHats", if you will. In addition, being an employee for a startup means you must be nimble, flexible, a wor

Google I/O is... [Conference Highlights via Picstitch]

Google I/O brings together thousands of developers for two days of deep technical content, focused on building the next generation of web, mobile, and enterprise applications with Google and open web technologies such as Android, Google Chrome, Google APIs, Google Web Toolkit, App Engine, and more. Google I/O is... American. Google is manufacturing the Nexus Q in the U.S. Go red, white, and blue! That explains the pricey $299 tag. Google I/O is... Android Haven. Has this conference transformed the Avid Apple User into robots? Almost there, not quite. Although, I wouldn't mind an Android Pillow Pet!!! Google I/O is...Schwag. *Photos coming soon! Google I/O is Google+ Events -ful! *Photos coming soon! Google I/O is... a UX playground.

Big Brand Hackathon 2012: Home Depot’s 1st Prize of $8000 Goes to a High School Student and Girls In Tech Participant!

On Monday, June 18 th I attended Social Loco 2012, a conference discussing how social-location will be monetized and leveraged across industries and verticals. Big Brand Hack-a-thon kicked off the Social Loco 2012 extravaganza on June 16 th . This two-day hack-a-thon brought big brand companies like Kraft Foods, Home Depot and Nokia to judge and announce a winning product on June 17 th , the last day of the hack-a-thon. Home Depot awarded $8,000 to Nive Jayasekar, a 17-year-old high school student who will be attending Carnegie Mellon University this Fall. Her product also won the ‘Best Use of Social and Location Mashup’ for $2,500, totaling her winnings to $10,500! With a strong supportive family of female engineers, Nive has a bright future as a potential intern for Facebook this summer.  Nive says, “My mother and grandmother played a large role in making me who I am. My grandma, she only studied in India until eleventh grade. She really wanted my mother gain higher educatio

Doejo's Unique Approach To Raising Funds For Startups

Looking for funding via Bootstrapping, pitching to VC’s, etc.? Doejo has a different approach! Raising funds for a startup is top priority and every startup team knows the different strategies to do it: Bootstrapping, pitching to Venture Capitalists, and seed funding. Can you think of another one? Doejo,  a digital agency based in Chicago has a unique approach to gaining funds. They are a group of smart and innovative individuals who offer a “buffet” of services for companies. (Take a look at their services  here  – guarantee you need their help whether you are a startup or established company.) Doejo is a team of entrepreneurs with startup ideas of their own, each with a skillset that is valuable in a growing business. They have combined their talents at the agency, creating a mastermind start-up incubator think tank and production house – offering services such as brand development, iOS and Android development, event planning, UX design and development, and the list goes on. Ea

Top 20 Social Media Sites for PR

Social media management is under the 'Umbrella of PR'.  Here are the top 22 sites for PR: Facebook LinkedIn Aloha Quora Twitter Youtube Foursquare Path Instagram Foodspotting Commonred Yelp Myspace Google + Tumblr Spotify Bloglovin Plancast FLixster Blogster Delicious Soundcloud Sign up and follow me on Bloglovin to stay updated on the next posts: Top 5 Social Media Dashboards and Top 10 iPhone apps for PR (Yes, every PR person must have an iPhone!)
[Updated]Kickstart your Startup Idea With A VC Meeting: With Bessemer Venture Partners, Y Combinator & More! Ebay Auction - starting bid at $100. .:Benefiting The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society:.  Motion To Dismiss Cancer, a team formed to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society announces the third round of the “2012 Venture Capital Master’s Lunch Series” auction where anyone with the highest bid can get face time to pitch, discuss and seek advice from some of Silicon Valley’s most influential venture capitalists, founders, and executives. The auction begins May 7 th  and runs through May 17, 2012. The website for bidding is: celebrityexperienceforlls The third round includes:  Greylock Partners- Ali Rosenthal,Josh Elman, Principal, Tom Francine Y Combinator 3 partners, Harj Taggar, Garry Tan & Sam Altman Draper Fisher Jurvetson-  Josh Stein-Managing Director New Enterprise Associates & North bridge Venture Par

PR Tip : 3 Must-Have Qualities for Company Schwag

Company Schwag - [noun] company-branded merchandise that is given away as a form of advertising. The perfect schwag item encompasses these three qualities: 1. Functionality The item needs to be functional. For example, If you want to hand out glass unicorns with your company logo branded on the mystical creature, the item can easily become a holiday ornament. The customer will more than likely keep it for many holidays to come. 2.Uniqueness For example, glass unicorns. Just kidding. My favorite item is the Hipstamatic iPhone case. Trendsetters, they are. 3.Usability Is it functional and unique? Awesome. But, if it isn't an item the client will want to use on a daily basis, it'll probably sit on their desk for a quarter then get tossed. My favorite item that highlights this quality is a thermos from Yammer and Bay Area Girl Geek Dinners. "Sustainable" - Angie Chang, Founder of Bay Area Girl Geek Dinners

#PRFails by Ariel

"You don't use Twitter?!" "What's a meme?! Seriously?" "I'm running on 2 hours of sleep. This new story had me on the phones with the radio stations at 4am. I forgot to pick up Sebastian from the groomers, and I haven't had a manicure in weeks. Can a girl get some sleep around here?!" "You work 8 hours every day? 9-5? Good for you.(slow clap)" "Community management's under the umbrella of Startup PR. #truth" "If one more CEO puffs his chest out and tells me their product has no competitors, I'm going to rip my pretty red hair out." "I'll sleep when we IPO or get acquired."

CEO Interview | Geraldine Yong, MogiMe

A CEO's insight on mobile gaming in regards to user acquisition, education vs. entertainment, and female entrepreneurs.  Hello, Geraldine! What is Mogime? "A mobile social gaming network. Currently only mobile. It will be on iOS soon. Create your avatar, be social and play games with our network or our partners’ affiliated networks. User - generated content. Discover apps, make friends and send messages in a community." Target Market? Ages 13-24 Tell us a little about yourself. “I am currently the CEO of the company. My background's always been technical sales and business development and I’ve always been interested in games because I’ve been a gamer since I was a kid. I also consider myself a Fashionista. With my corporate background and my interests, I wanted to have a company that actually embodies both gaming as well as a person’s identity. For now, my interest's in creating better outfits for the avatars as well as working with