What To Wear: A guide to fashion for the PR agent [Part I]

Your outer appearance as a PR agent's very important – not to say what you wear defines who you are, but it’s definitely as important as the design of your business card.

1.Black with the attack
Black’s the signature color of business attire. When you’re out at a networking event, a sleek black dress or pant-suit can’t go wrong. Don’t be afraid to accessorize with a chunky gold chain and diamond studded earrings.

2. Think like a DJ
Scenario: A writer invites you to a day at the beach: Should you go for that all black dress or two-piece bathing suit? Hell to the no. Think like a Disc Jockey: they may prefer to spin house music, but when they get a gig at a hip hop venue, Avicii and Armind Van Buuren are retired for the night and Mosdef, Big L, and Mob Deep are on cue. Dress the part. Wear a plaid top with jeans and Teva Terra Sandals. If a client invites you to a limo ride to Napa Valley, try this.

As a public relations agent, your daily outfit, better yet your daily uniform must be well thought out. A PR person's very in touch with their creative and analytical side and it should shine through in their fashion sense. Be lively and crisp in your style, have your outfit accentuate who you are and how you feel. If one day you feel like putting on some flip flops and a hoodie, maybe you should just work from home.

More Fashion for PR advice coming soon! In the meantime, subscribe to my blog via BLOGLOVIN, a blogger’s dashboard. 


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