Headshots: Essential for an agent's Social Media profiles

Suggestion to my PR readers: Get headshots for your social media profiles. 

When you're in an outward-facing profession like Public Relations, make sure you have updated photos on your social media profiles that are natural and friendly. Your PR work must showcase creativity, efficiency, approachability, and excitement - which goes for your head shots as well. Here are a few head shots that I deem worthy for the PR agent. 

Special Thanks to www.garysextonphotography.com for my headshots! 
Email: info@garysextonphotography.com

About Gary Sexton 


  1. What about for less public facing positions like developer / designer, are headshots still a benefit or perhaps a disadvantage, making you seem to sterile or not "nerdy" enough?

  2. Hi Brandon, great question. I think that head shots can depict all different characteristics. It is up to you to work with a photographer to capture in a photo what you represent.


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