Urgent: PR Needs PR!!!

PR Needs Their Own Public Relations Efforts

Hey, Agents! PR needs PR, too! We need agents to spread the good word of “What is PR” for the business folks who know that PR’s important to run a successful company but aren’t too sure of what it entails.  We also need to educate the PR agents who use all the evil tricks in the book to gain publicity for their company and make them look bad in the process. PR should be used for good – businesses have enough naysayers in the public to bring on the controversy. Let’s not turn our clients into fame-whores, okay? Keep it classy, yes?

! Here are a few quotes from a few thought leaders in the space who’re spreading the good word...

Quotes from Key Thought leader’s in PR

PR was the first social.” Gerard Corbett, PRSA, 27 August 2012

Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: everything else is Public Relations.” Glenn Greenwald, Guardian, 14 September 2012

“PR isn’t just for the professionals, you have to do it for yourself day in and day out.” Unknown, Cicero & Barnay, 9 September 2012





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