How To: Find Gratitude in a World of Excessiveness

Here are four ways to find your center in a world of excessiveness and chaos:

You don't need that extra pair of shoes, Tiffany. No, you don't. Attempt to wear a pair of shoes until there are holes in it. Just try it.
Think about your memories. Reflect on what type of emotions it brings up. Address those emotions. It will lead you to answers.  And it will take up a good amount of your time that won't be spent shopping or wishing to shop. You will walk away learning more about yourself and that is invaluable.
3.Treat yourself to the finer things in life
You will be saving a whole bunch of money if you follow my advice to minimize your life. Use that money and go get an order of uni, a bottle of ice wine, or whatever tickles your fancy. You deserve to be reminded of this remarkable place called, 'God's Green Earth'. 
4.Hustle for the "free"
So to balance out all the money you're going to be spending to treat yourself, spend some time hustling for the "free.

  • Go to Trader Joe's and get a cup of their FREE coffee. 
  • Take the survey you find on your receipt from Grocery Outlet to get that $3 OFF coupon.
  • Visit craigslist FREE section and go pick up some free stuff, but only stuff you truly need and thought about thoroughly. 
  • Fill up your thermos with water at your local WholeFoods or Chipotle. A bottle of FIGI water is like $5. What world are we living in?!
  • Volunteer at your local youth organization. Usually they give their volunteers a cheese sandwich and a juice box for free. So, you're basically getting paid to volunteer! Only in America. 
So, this post is 50% satirical...ehh more like 25%. Follow my advice if you're truly desperate to remedy this noisy and excessive society. Or, you can take up meditation. Yeah, maybe that would be the best route. 


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