Doejo's Unique Approach To Raising Funds For Startups

Looking for funding via Bootstrapping, pitching to VC’s, etc.? Doejo has a different approach!

Raising funds for a startup is top priority and every startup team knows the different strategies to do it: Bootstrapping, pitching to Venture Capitalists, and seed funding. Can you think of another one? Doejo, 
a digital agency based in Chicago has a unique approach to gaining funds. They are a group of smart and innovative individuals who offer a “buffet” of services for companies. (Take a look at their services here – guarantee you need their help whether you are a startup or established company.)

Doejo is a team of entrepreneurs with startup ideas of their own, each with a skillset that is valuable in a growing business. They have combined their talents at the agency, creating a mastermind start-up incubator think tank and production house – offering services such as brand development, iOS and Android development, event planning, UX design and development, and the list goes on. Each member brings a skillset to the table and allocates tasks to specific members depending on the project at hand. Once the job is done and the client pays out, the “Doejo Entrepreneur” has the funds for their startup idea. So, is this a startup? Yes. Do they help startups? For Sure. Do they help startups while helping themselves? Spot on.

Also, they have just launched DoejoSF for all the companies in the Bay Area. Good stuff!

So, how does this help my fellow PR agent? Stay tuned.


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