Harvard Business Review - An Effort Toward Reliable Content

Content marketing is beneficial to any organization. I'd slate content marketing between the public relations department and the marketing department. It's their love child. Develop blog and social media content around your products to increase traffic to your website. I'm talking to you, startups. 

But don't be one of those content posers who writes about gibberish just to get SEO value for the blog site. Learn from publication sites like Harvard Business Review when you're developing your content. Try these tips:

1. The source of the blog should come from thought leaders in the space. 
A great way to back up your content is by having a photo of the contributor with a nice blurb about their notable successes in the field that is being discussed. 

2. Include surveys and other data reports
Use sites like SurveyMonkey to obtain data around your topic and showcase the results in the blog posts. For example, if you're writing about your newest feature in you fitness app, include some data about the rate of increased health among app users.  

3. Get the most out of your content
Spend extra time with your marketing team to get the content SEO'd and edited. Also, get as much as you can from this content by drafting social media copy around it. One blog post can provide at least five tweets, and a set of copy for LinkedIn and Facebook.

It's very easy to throw a bunch of words into the mix and make an alphabet soup, then force feed it to people by pushing it out on the social media channels. It's also very easy for people to notice when you're feeding them garbage. Don't do this. Instead, invest in ghostwriters and develop content with the thought leaders in your organization. Remember, the point of content is to gain credibility in your space. You can't earn credibility along with respect when you're publishing garbage jargon.



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