Public Relations is a #Fearless #Juggling and Balancing Act! How to Reach #Criticalmass

Are you good at balancing, categorizing and juggling? If you are, then public relations is the career path for you! (this is not a cheesy marketing copy).

"Publicity is a great purifier because it sets in action the forces of public opinion, and in this country public opinion controls the courses of the nation.” – Charles Evans Hughes

We as individuals must work to maintain relationships with the community around us: our family, our friends, our clients, our pets, our acquaintances. We as a company must work to maintain relationships with our coworkers, partners, agencies, lawyers, etc. There is not just one public, there is in fact many "publics" in our clients' lives. Once you identify all of the different "publics", you are on the track to reaching Critical Mass

When you are working with your clients,  start by mapping out the audiences that they engage with. Start from the ground level and work your way up to critical mass. For example, if you are working with a musician then you should start gathering the audience where they first obtained their reputation and success. Nurture those relationships and keep this audience on your radar. Once you have a maintained relationship with that section of people, map out where you would like your client to venture into next - perhaps a new city with new people, or maybe the entire westcoast of the United States. Make sure you categorize your physical and geological areas of target and engage with the community within these targeted areas. 

Public Relations can be intimidating from the outside looking in, but it is not as scary as it seems. Public Relations has a very fearful stigma connected to its name; the relationship with the public because most people are afraid of the public and relationships. Once we all accept that we are not alone in this world and that we must face the public, engage with the public, and cater to the public, we will then have a successful working relationship with the "publics". 


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