How did Beyoncé do it? #Loyalty #PR

On Friday, the leading lady released her self titled album, Beyoncé without any prior notice or publicity. The album has been nicknamed a "visual album, with 14 tracks each of which includes a music video. This album went viral within hours via social media and is still buzzing in the news. Aside from a press release hitting the wire before the album was released via iTunes, there was zero inkling of this album: no bootlegs, media leaks, nothing. How did she do it and what can new marketers and public relations professionals learn from Beyoncé?

Photo: Alex Johnson via AlexJonson at FlickR

1. Social media gives everyone the tool to succeed first hand

Beyoncé launched a viral campaign solely via social media. The success that her album has shown is proof that social media is a powerful tool for PR, Marketing, and Sales. Everyone needs a Facebook and Twitter. They are the new marketer's Inspector Gadget.

2. Visuals are essential in marketing and PR

Using platforms like Slideshare, YouTube, and Pinterest to name a few are essential in good PR and Marketing . Most Press Release platforms have tools to launch video releases, which is a tool that should be utilized often. Every company should have a collection of videos on YouTube, and copy should be uploaded onto both the company website and Slideshare.

3. Loyalty 

Beyonce has a team of trusted followers. There must have been at least 30 individuals on set for each video and who knows how many people were present in the studio. Not a single person ran to the media or bootleggers to earn an extra buyout. She and her management have built a strong team who are in it for more than money. When you are building a team, whether it is marketing, PR, Biz dev, etc., you will be handling a lot of confidential material so your team must be honest and loyal to the news at hand. And the accessibility of social media can become a double edge sword if you do not have a loyal team to keep confidential material under wraps. So how do you build a loyal team? I prefer not to answer that, but I know who can. Ask her via Twitter?


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