#Social #PR 101: Find "Like-minds" Because Great Minds Think Alike

"The morning after has a lightness from yesterday's disaster.
There's a trace of heaviness. But when you awaken,
and feel the bright gleam from the outside light through your iridescent curtains.
Your own light starts to gleam.
And if we awaken and see the beauty in our surroundings,
Our inner beauty illuminates to meet the light from outside. 
Go toward like-minds and combine the light within you with the outside world."

Our culture is experiencing social media overload, and we are getting lost in the noise. Some of us have decided to opt out of the countless platforms and are now honing in on 1 - 5 social media networks. 5 platforms? That sounds like too many, but it is really not considering there are hundreds of platforms out there. 

So how do we cut out the noise? Well, my advice to you all is stick to like-minds.  For example, if you are a foodie, you probably worship Anthony Bourdain. Follow people who like Anthony Bourdain and other food gurus. Follow people who tweet about food. Follow people who manufacture food.  A great way to do this is by utilizing Twitter's suggested tweeters option. Also, you can Hashtag Search for the term "#foodie" and follow everyone tweeting about it. You get it. Stick to it. Commit to it. Grow with it.

I think people start to feel the anxiety from social media platforms when they open up their browser and there is a bunch of news that they do not care about from people that they do not understand and cannot relate to. From a PR perspective, the goal is to create the audience for you clients and the first step in doing that is by cutting out the noise on their platforms. Following like-minded people on your client's platforms is very simple and intuitive strategy and is key in building the correct audience for your client. 


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