5 Tips to Follow When Creating a Blog - F.R.E.S.H Prince

Frequent. Resourceful. Energetic. Social. Hip
If you are a 90's kids like me, you probably learned a lot from the Fresh Prince over the years. Like how cool it is to wear backwards hats and how to chill out max and relax all cool. So, in honor of the fresh prince, here is how you can keep your blog FRESH.
Frequent - Your readers like dependability. If they are intrigued by a post, they will come back again for the next blog. If they revisit your site and you do not have fresh content, your blog may get lost in the noise of all the other blogs out there. If you plan on updating once a week or every other day, let the reader know in the footer of the blog.

Resourceful - When you are writing about a topic, refer to older posts from your blogs and interesting FRESH articles about the topic you are writing about. This will increase your SEO, bringing more traffic to your blogs.

Energetic - Make your blog lively! Use lots of photos and graphics. You want to spark interest and excitement to your readers. If they feel good when they visit your page, they will come back regularly.

Social - Make sure you are promoting your blogs on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and blog dashboards like Bloglovin. If you have the bandwidth, spend some time on forums and engage on the topics that you write about. Leave a link to your blog in the comments section of these forums.

Hip - Keep things up to date on that #Newnew. What is everyone talking about? What is trending? What do you think people need to know about that is aligned with the current events? Write about it.

Thanks Everyone! Read my next post in two weeks!


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