
Showing posts from 2013

How did Beyoncé do it? #Loyalty #PR

On Friday, the leading lady released her self titled album, Beyoncé without any prior notice or publicity. The album has been nicknamed a "visual album, with 14 tracks each of which includes a music video. This album went viral within hours via social media and is still buzzing in the news. Aside from a press release hitting the wire before the album was released via iTunes, there was zero inkling of this album: no bootlegs, media leaks, nothing. How did she do it and what can new marketers and public relations professionals learn from Beyoncé? Photo: Alex Johnson via AlexJonson at FlickR 1. Social media gives everyone the tool to succeed first hand Beyoncé launched a viral campaign solely via social media. The success that her album has shown is proof that social media is a powerful tool for PR, Marketing, and Sales. Everyone needs a Facebook and Twitter. They are the new marketer's Inspector Gadget. 2. Visuals are essential in marketing and PR Using p

Why Thank #PR this #Thanksgiving? 3Reasons: #MileyCyrus, #BestBuy, #Drakethetypee

1. Miley Cyrus Leads Time's Person of the Year Voting Read more at  #billboard Only good #PR could be responsible for getting Miley, the #Twerk Princess in the leading spot for Time Magazine's Person of the Year . 2. Parody Twitter accounts like Startup L. Jackson, Drake, Will Ferrell, and more! @StartupLJackson : Bitcoin is a shitty currency. So are shoes.  Mrs. Jackson buys $500 shoes too damn often.  Are shoes stupid? Is there a shoe bubble? #qed @_FrankieD : @DrizzyTheType drake the type to apologize to the turkey on Thanksgiving @WillyFerrell : I'ma walk in the kitchen like 3. Big Corporations like BestBuy  still distribute their news via press releases Read Press Release:  BestBuy  Re-Affirms its Holiday Price Competitiveness Strategy Regardless of how PR is evolving, press releases

#Social #PR 101: Find "Like-minds" Because Great Minds Think Alike

"The morning after has a lightness from yesterday's disaster. There's a trace of heaviness. But when you awaken, and feel the bright gleam from the outside light through your iridescent curtains. Your own light starts to gleam. We are a PRODUCT of our ENVIRONMENT. And if we awaken and see the beauty in our surroundings, Our inner beauty illuminates to meet the light from outside.  Go toward like-minds and combine the light within you with the outside world."                                                      -PRTiffany   Our culture is experiencing social media overload, and we are getting lost in the noise. Some of us have decided to opt out of the countless platforms and are now honing in on 1 - 5 social media networks. 5 platforms? That sounds like too many, but it is really not considering there are hundreds of platforms out there.  So how do we cut out the noise? Well, my advice to you all is stick to like-minds.  For example, if you are a foodie,

#PR PREDICTION : How will hashtags be used in the FUTURE?

The 'Hashtag' is changing the English language!   1. Hashtags will be used in press releases to drive awareness. See article from PRWeb.   2. Everyone will own many of their own hashtags. ex. #prtiffany #thejonesfamilyreunion   3. Hashtags will be used in education. Your essays will include hashtags when referencing a topic of discussion.   4. Hashtags will become non-lexical utterance sounds . ex. uhh, umm, wow   5. Hashtags will be a tool to compile event photos. ex.#photoamericascup #photojenandjoewedding #photojanesmitheurope2013. Instagram is already doing this, but adding photo to the front of the word can allow you to track photos across platforms like twitter, instagram and Facebook.   6. Hashtags may be the answer to organizing 'big data' . Eventually, we will want all of our data to be ported into Twitter - once their search engines become more powerful.   These are a few of my predictions on 'hashtags'. Let me know what y

5 Tips to Follow When Creating a Blog - F.R.E.S.H Prince

F requent . R esourceful . E nergetic . S ocial . H ip If you are a 90's kids like me, you probably learned a lot from the  Fresh Prince over the years. Like how cool it is to wear backwards hats and how to chill out max and relax all cool. So, in honor of the fresh prince, here is how you can keep your blog FRESH. F requent - Your readers like dependability. If they are intrigued by a post, they will come back again for the next blog. If they revisit your site and you do not have fresh content, your blog may get lost in the noise of all the other blogs out there. If you plan on updating once a week or every other day, let the reader know in the footer of the blog. R esourceful - When you are writing about a topic, refer to  older posts from your blogs and interesting FRESH articles about the topic you are writing about. This will increase your SEO, bringing more traffic to your blogs. E nergetic - Make your blog lively! Use lots of photos and graphics. You want to spark

#Follow_Friday: @PRTiffany's #PR #Blogs and #Influencers Recommendations

@PRTiffany   Whoop Whoop, It's #FOLLOW_FRIDAY! Here are a few bloggers and influencers that I recommend you follow to stay updated with the latest and greatest in the PR GAME. @PRdivablog - PR and Social Media for Tech @NetSuite_Meili - PR for Cloud, SaaS, Ecommerce, ERP, Wholesale and Distribution #Netsuite @MarkRaganCEO - PR articles galore. Stay up to date via his twitter feed. #PRDaily @PRDailyNews - PR news and Job Board for the aspiring PR agents @GraffitiPR - PR guru. Follow him and follow his #followback list! Keep it social and #followback, #NFB, #Follow_friday!!!! xoxo, @PRTiffany

Public Relations vs. Publicity

Tomato, tomatoe? During SuiteWorld 2013, I had an interesting conversation with a colleague. We were discussing the difference between public relations and publicity, which might seem like useless chatter to folks who are not in the PR game. But for us PR agents, it sparked a very educational conversation. Is there a significant difference between the two? During our 5 minute scramble from one meeting room to the next, we came to a quick decision that it pretty much means the same thing - but I was not satisfied. I started to think about the connotations when I hear the two: Public Relations sounds more like an on-going effort - relationship building over a long period of time. Publicity is more like a quick fix to gain attention from a mid to large group of people. For example, pretend a new café wants to get their name out to the public. A PR effort would be to build a network of regular customers who are faithful patrons to the café. A publicity effort could entail frequent buye

PR stands for Proofreading

If you're not proofreading 2 - 4 press releases a day, you're not doing PR right. In addition to proofreading press releases, make sure you are proofreading 4-5 blogs per day. You just have to. It's the PR way. In additon to press releases and blogs, make sure you're proofreading tweets. Don't forget links and hashtags when appropriate -PRTiffany

PR for Entrepreneurs in Tech Startups: Yay or Nay?

If you’re an entrepreneur and want PR representation, I’m a bit astonished. Most entrepreneurs take the D.I.Y approach – Daringly Independent Yoda. Entrepreneurs are usually fairly personable individuals with can-do attitudes. They think they’ve already demystified PR, and they may be right. Maybe you’re the CEO of your company, you work out of the café down the street from your studio, and your best friend is your CTO (if you’re not a programmer yourself) and your Biz Dev Whiz. Your business is your baby and you have trust issues, meaning you refuse to let a 3 rd party (In-house PR specialist) handle your company’s message. I get it. You’re an entrepreneur and you can do anything you set your mind to, and you most definitely reach for the stars. You want to be featured in WSJ or Ars Technica and you know you can D.I.Y – Do it yourself. I completely agree that you CAN do it yourself, but one deciding factor holds the answer to if you should or should not seek PR, and that deciding f