
Showing posts from March, 2018

Annoying Things about Silicon Valley, CA

Here are some revised points addressing annoying aspects of Silicon Valley culture: San Bro-sé (Formerly San Jose, CA): When did San Jose become synonymous with excessive meatiness? Cafe Life: Instead of coding over mochas and chai at cafes, maybe consider the quiet charm of a library for a change. Pun fully intended. "Founder Hounders": The term used to describe women at tech events who are simply socializing and networking seems oddly dismissive. Let's appreciate everyone's presence without labeling them. Patagonia: As much as I appreciate the brand and its values, I find myself hesitant to buy one, fearing the association with a stereotypical Silicon Valley persona. "Tech-Casting": While I may be part of the tech community, I reject conforming to negative stereotypes. Not all of us fit the same mold. As a native San Franciscan, I entered the tech industry before it gained its trendy status in 2009. Back then, it was about survival during the recessio

Y Combinator Summer 2018 Funding Cycle

Y Combinator Summer 2018 Funding Cycle  Applications are due on March 24th Click Here to Apply! Who?:  Y Combinator Summer 2018 Funding Cycle What?: Applications deadline When?: March 24th Where?: The accepted applicants will have to move to the SF Bay Area Why?: To make your startup dream into reality For those of you who are unaware of the processes to get funded for your startup, I hope this announcement will get to you. One way to get your company in front of investors is by applying for Y Combinator's Funding Cycle.   Y Combinator has backed various successful startups like, Airbnb, Heroku, Chariot, and Dropbox. They are a group of extremely open-minded and passionate investors who truly want to give a chance to those who may not have the access or knowledge on how to obtain funding. I have submitted my startup, HairRobin (name change in the works) for this summer's Y Combinator funding cycle. Please view my submission video to learn more about my startup

How To: Find Gratitude in a World of Excessiveness

Here are four ways to find your center in a world of excessiveness and chaos: 1. Minimize You don't need that extra pair of shoes, Tiffany. No, you don't. Attempt to wear a pair of shoes until there are holes in it. Just try it. 2.Reflect Think about your memories. Reflect on what type of emotions it brings up. Address those emotions. It will lead you to answers.  And it will take up a good amount of your time that won't be spent shopping or wishing to shop. You will walk away learning more about yourself and that is invaluable. 3.Treat yourself to the finer things in life You will be saving a whole bunch of money if you follow my advice to minimize your life. Use that money and go get an order of uni, a bottle of ice wine, or whatever tickles your fancy. You deserve to be reminded of this remarkable place called, 'God's Green Earth'.  4.Hustle for the "free" So to balance out all the money you're going to be spending to treat yourself,