
Showing posts from December, 2013

How did Beyoncé do it? #Loyalty #PR

On Friday, the leading lady released her self titled album, Beyoncé without any prior notice or publicity. The album has been nicknamed a "visual album, with 14 tracks each of which includes a music video. This album went viral within hours via social media and is still buzzing in the news. Aside from a press release hitting the wire before the album was released via iTunes, there was zero inkling of this album: no bootlegs, media leaks, nothing. How did she do it and what can new marketers and public relations professionals learn from Beyoncé? Photo: Alex Johnson via AlexJonson at FlickR 1. Social media gives everyone the tool to succeed first hand Beyoncé launched a viral campaign solely via social media. The success that her album has shown is proof that social media is a powerful tool for PR, Marketing, and Sales. Everyone needs a Facebook and Twitter. They are the new marketer's Inspector Gadget. 2. Visuals are essential in marketing and PR Using p