
Showing posts from January, 2013

PR for Entrepreneurs in Tech Startups: Yay or Nay?

If you’re an entrepreneur and want PR representation, I’m a bit astonished. Most entrepreneurs take the D.I.Y approach – Daringly Independent Yoda. Entrepreneurs are usually fairly personable individuals with can-do attitudes. They think they’ve already demystified PR, and they may be right. Maybe you’re the CEO of your company, you work out of the cafĂ© down the street from your studio, and your best friend is your CTO (if you’re not a programmer yourself) and your Biz Dev Whiz. Your business is your baby and you have trust issues, meaning you refuse to let a 3 rd party (In-house PR specialist) handle your company’s message. I get it. You’re an entrepreneur and you can do anything you set your mind to, and you most definitely reach for the stars. You want to be featured in WSJ or Ars Technica and you know you can D.I.Y – Do it yourself. I completely agree that you CAN do it yourself, but one deciding factor holds the answer to if you should or should not seek PR, and that deciding f