
Showing posts from July, 2012

Startup PR agents wear many different UmbrellaHats!

So·cial PR   [ so -sh-shuhl pee-ahr ]   noun,  start ·up PR . 1. pertaining   to,   devoted   to,   or   characterized   by   the public relations initiatives for startups.  When you think about the definition of PR, you naturally think, "PR's the relationship with the public." Duh, but it's not that simple.  PR for startups has a totally different definition. Hence, Social PR . A startup PR agent must be involved in EVERYTHING that the public comes across. Obviously, if you want to be a PR agent, for a startup especially, you must be sociable.  Working for a startup means you must wear many different "hats". PR for startups means you are doing everything under the umbrella of PR: Event planning, social media management, media relations, in-bound marketing, brand awareness, and the list goes on.  We wear "UmbrellaHats", if you will. In addition, being an employee for a startup means you must be nimble, flexible, a wor